Hey there good people,
Just a reminder that we are at Brix Cider in Mount Horeb TODAY, 3-5pm. The weather should be fantastic, so no excuse to stay home.
You may be wondering, what’s in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin? Well, for one thing, Norwegians. But let’s skip over that minor drawback to the more concerning aspect of this pretty little southwestern town: TROLLS!
Their tourist-friendly literature will have you think their trolls are cute, cuddly, and very much like the little dolls with crazy hair you’d put on the end of your pencil in grade school. DON’T BE FOOLED!
This, this is what they really look like:

It’s ok though! We’ve played here before and will bring enough troll spray for all of you.
C’mon out! We’re pretty sure you won’t be devoured.